🍷Robert Groffier Chambolle-Musigny Les Hauts Doix 1er Cru 2017
🌟Wine Spectator 94分
Robert Groffier酒莊的葡萄園大部分都是在1930年時收購,並且由Robert Groffier的父親Jules於1950年代創立,Robert Groffier兒子Serge接手後,在勃根地為酒莊打響名號, Wine Advocate更是評價評價其為「Super Star/超級巨星」,Robert Parker曾讚許:”Each and every wine at this Domaine was a first-rate example of its terroir, from the Bourgogne to the Grand Crus. The meticulous work of Serge Groffier (Robert’s son) in the vineyards is evidenced by each glass of nectar from this well-known and certainly soon-to-be-famous Domaine. /從勃根地大區到特級園,酒莊釀造的每款酒都是各個風土數一數二的典範,Serge Groffier (Robert Groffier的兒子)在葡萄園細緻的工作,皆可從這廣為人知,甚至即將聲名大噪的酒莊供應出每杯佳釀中窺探一二。“這個巨星級酒莊同時也是著名的愛侶園Les Amoureuses 1er Cru的最大地主,如今由第四代Nicolas Groffier接管,延續酒莊傳奇。